Sunday, October 16, 2011

Twist and shout...

Sure, yesterday’s post was a bit of a copout, though even the hastily put together writing had a question worth further exploring in the future, I believe.

Due to own interests and often recklessly accepted invitations I present at a number of conferences each year, mostly as a “BIM expert”.
Since the start of this blog I’ve been going to these summits with sharpened pencils, looking for little gems to praise/ridicule, seeds-of-wisdom shared by others to use and fashion a couple of posts out from.

This latest one has not quite materialised into anything overly useful yet (give it a day-or-two to settle), however there has been one thing I now notice to be a trend.
We BIM-ers get packaged together with the ‘Green guys’ when it comes to event programming.
Over the last year or so I had the opportunity to see the subjects of sustainability and BIM being closely-coupled in 4 different countries and in 3 very different geographical locations.

I suspect the righteous reasoning behind such moves; the two fields complement each others painlessly.
Yet, for me, the most obvious link between the issue of ‘aiming form sustainability within the built-world’ and ‘getting BIM into the AEC processes is’... wait for it... both seem to be attracting individuals practicing on the fringes of the industry (myself included), the slightly – or not-so-slightly twisted.