States the job ad – on a well known, respectable,
international consultant-company’s website advertising for a ‘senior architect’.
Not that I am searching for a new job, nothing like that, just part of
my research.
You see, to find out what software-packages the companies that we may
be dealing with in the future could be using, nothing beats their ‘vacancies
In fact, hardly anything gives such an instant indication on where a
company (consultant, contractor or client) is with their understanding of BIM as
how they advertise for roles that deal with the handling of project information.
It is a sad state of affairs when no brand name of preferred software
appears, though it leaves an equally unhappy felling seeing that someone is
after a “Revit architect” – and this is not because of the specific software they
nominate in the ad, but due to combining those two words in such an unfortunate
It is well known, that the programming (IT) industry had high-jacked
the term ‘architect’ – so one should not be surprised if the candidates that
apply for the stated job turn up to be of a very-different profile than what the
advertisers were after.
If my Grandma (soon to turn 92) declared I was ‘in a field of
computers and 3d’ – I’d be chuffed, yet AEC’s HR people should know better than