Many other BIM-mers stated it before (after/alongside) me
that BIM needed to be first-and-most driven by building owners.
Still, few commentators have gone into any depth on why building
clients were unwilling/unable to do this effectively.
When questioned, most cite superficial reasons like cost,
technology, lack of skills, resources etc.
Labeling these factors as ‘superficial’ might not be entirely
fair from my side – as they CAN be significant obstacles, still, compared to
the main one, and that is the ‘lack of incentive to do so’, they ARE minor.
Consequently, I have not been holding my breath waiting
for a mass uptake of BIM by various building owners operating around me,
although have seen a number of them getting their ’feet wet’ by specifying some
(often very low) level of BIM requirements in their tender documents.
One example on the other hand, has been standing out for
a while for its boldness.
A huge project from Qatar that came across my desk about
3 months ago had gone further than most.
In it, a pretty demanding BIM spec.
Our dilemma followed (internally):
Should one fully and properly price the BIM (and likely
lose the job on price) or should one replace ‘pretend 2D’ (already priced) with
‘pretend 3D’ (at no extra cost) and hope for the best?
Obviously others have come to similar conclusion request
for clarification from a tenderer turned up – (see below);
The answer provided by the owner’s representative was
amazing (in a way) – though made me suspect that a kid had hijacked someone’s
computer to write it, it was so ‘out there’!
No one in their right mind would ask for ‘all rebar
design shall be BIM modelled’ – and I comment with the experience of our
company having had done quite a bit of rebar modelling …
(and a bit of rebar BIM modelling too, but all????)
The answer and its originator, whether they’d turn to be
THE great BIM catalyst of the region or exposed just as a kid driving a Mack,
certainly made my day with their entertaining value;
On the other hand, the spec could be someone’s sweet revenge for
decades of ‘underground-BIM’ work, finally getting the opportunity to make
their mark.
Now, that I can relate to!
Q: The tender document requires that all design and
construction information shall be modeled as a single discipline model in
reference to appendix E in volume 4. (a) Please clarify that the temporary
works can be excluded in the scope of 3D modeling for BIM. (b) Please clarify
that the rebar model for all structure also should be carried out in the scope
of 3D modeling.
A: (a) All design and construction information (including
temporary works) shall be modeled (b) All rebar design shall be BIM modeled.