The British Government got it all wrong
with regards to its plan to use BIM to fix-up its ailing AEC industry.
Admittedly, they weren’t exactly calling
the industry ‘ailing’; neither where are they labelling BIM specifically as a
‘fix up-tool’, but that is what I read between the lines of both the original
Strategy Paper published in 2011 and the "Pipeline for Growth" report
put out at the end of 2012.
Most of BIM commentators, even those a
bit remote from that particular market and ones that are normally prepared to
be a bit cynical of ‘artificially pumped up BIM hype’ appear to find this
government’s actions to be all
Their comments echo the official mantra
with its coats of sugar, then they add their own truckload of PC type
encouragement: how every step in the right direction counts, how time will
tell, how the proof will be in the pudding, how one must not discourage the
proactive governments by criticising them, how absolutely fabulous and brave
they are and… anyway, why get bogged down with the details when top experts in
the field are publically declaring that the British BIM is the best in the
world already…
(references available if anyone IS
interested in the details)…
Time will tell I agree, how silly,
ineffective, pompous and arrogant this approach is (was) but it will take
years, decades even – thanks to the fact that the wheels of the global (and
especially big-business) AEC grind even slower than those of justice systems,
often quoted.
So why wait for the grinding to be fully
completed and the ashes of failed BIMs finally get scattered over the corpses
of many, at present still yet-to-be built public buildings?
Instead why not be BOLD NOW and try out something
that I guarantee will make a positive difference to the industry and deliver
results within 12 months of a launch?
And just to make it more palatable for
those that like to be PRESCRIPTIVE on the subject of HOW as opposed to the
WHAT, this is a highly prescriptive approach.
I call it the xxx Government’s
(or any public/ private AEC client that
now/or intending in the future to
consume the services of the AEC industry)
Zero Fluff Policy (ZFP)
is built on a set of highly prescriptive requirements on how project
information should be managed (by all info originators and/or editors, like
design consultants, main and subcontractors) on (any) the AEC job:
1/ PDF
– paper-sheet based and formatted, traditionally labelled, revision controlled,
clouded drawings will be used for all communication between all parties and at
all of the times, regardless of the stage of the project and/or participants
2/ The
numbers of drawings in the system will be strictly (and drastically) limited
and policed relentlessly.
All drawings will be managed electronically on a web based, fully searchable
system. All drawings will have meta data attached to aid search;
4/ No
written specifications will be allowed, everything will fit on the limited number of
drawings (typically no project will produce more than 100 drawings; Absolute,
mega project may go up to 250);
5/ No
duplication of information will be tolerated, any discrepancy in information
supposedly coming from one source found, will be rejected immediately and the
originator penalised heavily.
6/ All
drawings will be fully coordinated and buildable at any time, even at early
stages of the project taking into account detail levels appropriate for design
development. All drawings issued will always be of IFC quality, labelled such
and an individual to take responsibility for this by a signature.
The said individual will be made aware by the employing company that mistakes
within the IFC documents will be traced back to him (or extremely unlikely,
her) no matter how many companies he/she changes to escape being accountable
for the flow on impacts those mistakes cost the project once construction
8/ All
drawings will be audited regularly (weekly) by an Independent BIM Authority and
their comments forwarded to drawing authors. Immediate response will be
required by all affected. Failure to respond in time or any repeated
offence will be punished by dismissal of the entire company from the project.
All participants will be contractually bound to pay SILD (Substandard
Information - Liquidated Damages) – and these will be assessed monthly (based
on failures to meet any of the requirements falling under points 1 – 5);
SILD will be deducted from progress payments or if they turn out to be higher
than progress payments due, from a bond provided by all contracted project
participants at the outset of the project;
SILD collected will be split into 3 equal parts and distributed monthly: 1
third to the IBA (Independent BIM Authority) agent on the project for work well
done; 1 third to the client representatives on the project for accepting this
crazy policy and 1 third shared out in the form of cream-doughnuts to regular
citizens walking past the project in question;
12/ The acronym ‘BIM’ and anything
associated with it will be exclusively used by those employed by the
Independent BIM Authority; Any unauthorised and careless use of the term (or
its derivatives) will be punished by dismissal.
You may want to comment on this
hair-raising idea by joining this group: E !BIM GROUP
This platform of alternative BIM
views also allows you to share your own, inspiring, exhilarating, far-out or
just generally provocative ideas on this topic.